Firstly thank you to all of you who attended the AGM and presentation evening. I hope you all got home safely.
The evening was well attended and had us scurrying to find extra chairs.
The formal part of the AGM took place with various reports on the years events presented by various officers and a lively debate on the club colours.

Megan Maclean & Sharnah Lee part of the winning Junior team with the Novice SJ Championship silver salver and Area 14 Chairmans Trophy
There was a wonderful display of photos, press reports, rosettes, sashes and the silver salver which had been won by the Junior team at the Novice Show Jumping Championships at Hartpury. This had been put together by Shannon Harrison. Also on display was the Area 14 Chairmans Trophy won again this year by our junior team.
We saw three long term members of the committee standing down, Marcia Fenwick, Claire Drewery and Michelle Kelly. They were all presented with tokens of the clubs appreciation of all the hard work they have given the club.
Four new members were voted onto the committee – Georgia Cattermole, Connor Sharpe, Ann McVicar and Amanda Sheldrake. We are extremely grateful to them putting themselves forward for without a committee the club would not function.
The final business of the AGM was the draw for the places on the Area 14 Vittoria Panizzon XC Clinic being held at Easton Collge on 24th January 2016. Jasmine Harber and Sharnah Lee won the two allocated places and Lucy Duffy and Tika Nicholls won the two reserve places.
All enjoyed a light supper of hot food supplied by Amy’s Kitchen and this was then followed by the trophy presentation. Marcia Fenwick handed out the rosettes and trophies to the lucky winners ably assisted by Maria Owen. Sue Stock had a busy and successful year with the club and carried off both the Gay Lancer and the Just Ryan trophy. Well done Sue and to all our trophy winners.
A full list of the trophy winners and those placed in each trophy is available below. If you were unable to attend and have won a rosette please contact Linda Reed via to arrange delivery.
Dennis Bean presented the Charlie XC Cup which was won in a very tight contest by Lucy Frost and Polly Whispers.
The most improved rider and horse combination was won this year by Laura Leggett and Charlie Bear.
The evening ended with a raffle with a table full of prizes to win. Thank you to everyone that donated a prize and to Michelle Kelly for organising and running it.
Many thanks to Corinne Bullock for helping to set the hall up for the evening and to the Urry’s and friends who helped us tidy up after the event.
CLICK HERE for the list of 2015 Trophy winners
Below are copies of the officers reports presented at the meeting.
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