The first Fun Day too place on the club field on Monday 6th April.
The day started out warm and sunny but as the day wore on it became decidedly chilly. However it did not deter our members , new and old from having fun. It was a great turn out!!!
As always we are indebted to those people who gave up their time in order to make the day a success.
They include Dawn Urry for multi tasking and completing various jobs.
Jill and Andy Osborne-Biddiscombe for taking time to be the Utility judges.
Jane and Kevin Stone running the show jumping.
Not forgetting all the other members and committee members that help set up and help also on the day. It is very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you all again on the 31st May for FUN DAY 2!!!!!!
CLICK HERE for the results
Report by Michelle Kelly

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