An enjoyable first Fun Day run by a new organising team headed by Steve Small.

Connor Sharpe sounded great on the PA and with Georgia Cattermole and Amanda Sheldrake ran the show jumping brilliantly. Thank you June Hall for building the course.

Penny Harris ran a riotous gymkhana.

Trish Harris and her assistant (sorry name escapes me) organised and judged the Utility classes.

Stella Cattermole manned the secretarys tent dealing with the usual confusing entry requests whilst husband Ty Cattermole was one of our long suffering helpers to whom we are very grateful.

Louise Booth was the dressage judge ably assisted by Anne Broadhurst.

Finally Ann McVicar was a star coming back after competing to help tidy up.

We hope you enjoyed your day. It was a fine job by an inexperienced team running the show. Never under estimate the amount of time and effort that people put in so these events can happen.

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There are a few surnames missing. Please if you can help fill the blanks please let me know on We need the info so we can award you your trophy points!

NB :- A pair of riding gloves and a pair of sunglasses were left on the show ground. Contact me on if they belong

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