Richard Palmer and 'Danger Mouse' tackling the grid

The first grid work clinic took place at Humberstone EC on Saturday 17th January. The clinic was over subscribed leaving a few disappointed riders on a waiting list. The weather was bitterly cold with snow falling at times during the day but for those taking part it was worth braving the elements and fortunately the sessions were indoors!

Zoe Rafferty took the clinic which seemed to be well received by those taking part. The abilities ranged from people who regularly compete in show jumping and eventing looking to brush up their technique for the coming season to those of us for whom a pole on the ground is daunting. But Zoe’s quiet, cheerful enthusiasm encouraged everyone to tackle the grid work she set for them.

The club is keen to offer members a variety of different training during the winter months at an affordable price. So it was great that this clinic received such tremendous support. Many thanks to Zoe Rafferty and Marie Owen for arranging and running the clinic.

Showing that grid work really gets your horse to use themselves correctly

The next grid work clinic Zoe is holding is again at Humberstone on Saturday 21st February. There are only 3 afternoon places left so if you want to go to the next one get that entry form in the post now.

Details are on the training page of the web site together with details of the forth coming Tony Mallett clinic at Humberstone on Thursday 29th January.

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